
21 看見.齊柏林基金會 2022 參觀人數 19,903人 導覽場次 623場 導覽人數 9,879人 國內外設計大獎肯定 One of elements giving life on the planet of Earth is water. The exhibition is filled with admiration and gratitude for water. The rivers are depicted with aerial photos by Director Chi Po-lin who died in a helicopter crash in 2017. Using the latest technology it successfully creates an immersive experience eliciting the feeling of being there. Most of all, this beautiful exhibition shows the strong will of the creator to inspire people to change the society. He was concerned about the environmental destruction and depicted beautiful rivers as well as damaged rivers in a flat manner. 《映河》以台灣河流為主題帶出環境永續的精神,以抽象波光引出峽谷般磅礡 的上游影像與傳說;沉浸式投影將人籠罩於大河的映照中;互動色盤使觀者意 識到河流的各樣情緒。隨著導讀人的故事與齊柏林導演的紀念光牆,看見生 命如同河流般更迭,蒼蒼無際永恆流轉。 德國紅點設計獎 日本優良設計獎 台灣金點設計獎